Introducing the first SecondLife real lifelike penis with physics based animations packed with features and customizations. Toggle between 5 sizes and girths, apply custom skins, and tilt in any direction for the ultimate lifelike experience. Available NOW for SecondLife!
SL's Only Physics-Animated Cock
Unleash The
Prepare For Lifelike Imagery
The Most Realistic Skin. Handcrafted. Zero Compromises.

Simply Realistic
Perfectly model for complete realism with physics cock it seems like the real thing.
Sized to Fit
With 5 options to choose from, you’ll always have the perfect realistic size for any occasion.
Realistic Animations
Design from the ground up to emulate real life movements.
Skin Details
Incredible skin details will keep you and your partner in the moment.
More features are selectable inside the Second Life interface.

Experience Meets Quality
We Love RP!
This cock was created by a few people who shamelessly LOVE RP! From our experience, we’ve created the cock we have always been dreaming of. This cock is nowhere near finished but it already has more unique features than any other cock on the market.
However, we wouldn’t be able to do it without the community. Some of our best features are the result of community feedback. Please keep in touch with us and share your thoughts!
What Others Are Saying
We let our customers speak for themselves:
Zack Fabulous
“Newton would be proud!“
Quickie Master
“This is the kind of clever product that will bring new people to SL!“
Kevin Getaround
“I can finally feel like a man in SL!“
All custom animations.
All of the animations are bento and recorded in our motion capture studio.
From stands to dances, there’s physics movement for any mood. There’s also an animation for every possible angle; even vertical and horizontal angles. There’s also 3 pulsing speeds so your nuts and bolts can throb just the way you want it.
This product is only 55% complete.
Updates at least once or twice a month.
We’ll soon be adding a BOM tattoo layer, more stands and dances, more texture options, custom texture options, better movement (more refining of current animations) and more to come.
Our HUD is where the real magic happens.
New remote HUD so others can control your dingdong, hide on teleport, toggle the piercings, toggle the new BOM tattoo layer (coming soon), and more to come.
Texture Options Galore
Over 12 Skin Tones
Our expert texture artist, Angi from Session Skins has you covered in the texture department. She is famous for her photo realistic textures. We are soon adding a BOM tattoo layer for even further customization.
Our biggest update yet.
- COCK AO! Use your own AO with our cock and it will swing in sync with your walks and runs.
- Replaced all the old stands and dances with newer, better animations.
- Filled all the menus with animations and even added more animations than in previous menus.
- Added more ball control in the ball icon menu: (these settings are temporary and only last until you press the stop button. Great for photos!)
- Added more ball control in the ball thermometer menu:
- Added hide balls option:
- Works with Vista AOs. In previous versions, the cock became deformed when using vista AOs due to Vista accidentally keyframing the hind bones.
- Added full cock AO. It swings when you walk and stand. It also gives you the option to play one of 3 generic idle movement animation to go with almost* any AO, or you can use one of the 3 stands built into the cock.
- Added a girth up and down toggle:
- Combined info button and heart button:
- Added on/off button for the AO on main hud page. This button is tinted when the AO is on:
- Added lldialog menu for the AO in options menu:
- Reduced script memory so we could add more options in:
the ball swing menu: - More animations inside the animation menu:
- When the cock is shown, the eye icon is tinted.
- When a length is selected, the length is now tinted.
- Combined the new texture hud script with the new AO scripts which keeps the cock script count to 3 scripts.
- Fixed bug where the AO stops when length is selected.
- Added a more natural flaccid state to V-80H-70
Additional steps for the repositioning menu.
Minor Bug fixes.
- Added 3 additional steps in the reposition menu to get a closer fit for smaller bodies.
- Fixed bug where cock would go flaccid if you pressed the cum button while playing an animation.
- Fixed bug where cock would go erect in a no script zone.
5 new self-pleasure animations.
Guest list feature.
Cum layers.
Bug Fixes.
- Added 5 masturbation animations
- Added a guest list feature for the remote HUD. Up to 3 names.
- Added 1 idle cock movement animation (works well with AOs).
- Added 5 BoM cum layers. Make sure you toggle the tattoo layer in the options menu:
- Changing length no longer stops animations.
Minor bug fix.
- Cum fix. Technical explanation: burst rate too high. It would show on some computers but not others.
Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed bug where tilts and face animations would sometimes not show when selecting a pose with our AVsitter bento plugin (also ruckus furniture plugins)
- Fixed bug where if you toggled piercings when the cock was invisible, the piercings would show.
- Removed uncut condom option. When you have the uncut showing and toggle the condom button, it automatically switches to the cut version of the condom. This reduces complexity and makes logical sense (the skin must be pulled back to put the condom either way).
New stand animation, bug fixes.
- Added a new stand to the stands menu.
- Fixed script error.
- Pubes now hide on teleport and login when the “hide on teleport/login” button is selected (in the options menu).
New BOM tattoo layer and many additions to the options menu.
- New BOM Layer. Cut version is on AUX 1, uncut version is on AUX 2. I included a full perm tattoo layer sample. BOM layer added 1k complexity. The cock is now 6.4k complexity in total (very low complexity). Just toggle the tattoo layer button in the options menu to view the BOM layer.
- In the option menu, added a way to disable face animations and sounds for when you’re using furniture with our AVsitter plugin.
- In the options menu, added a way to toggle 3 different types of cum particles. Choose which one you prefer.
- In the option menu, added a way to choose girth directly from the HUD (helpful for those who are using our plugin to setup auto tilt for furniture).
- In the option menu, added a way to save and customize your reset down position (girth, length, and tilt).
- In the options menu, you can now resize the HUD. Just toggle between two sizes.
New remote HUD and other updates.
- New remote HUD feature. HUD is copy trans. You can give it to your friends to control your P. Inside the options menu, you can press the “Remote Control” button and set access to NOBODY, GROUP, and PUBLIC. You can control other people’s cocks with your HUD as well. If you leave it to public or group, if someone touches the tip of your P, they will get a HUD. They can then control your P.
- Added pubes. Pubes now hide on teleport when the hide on teleport button is toggled (in the options menu).
- Fixed IK for the “ihaveapenis” animation. The feet are stuck to the floor now. It’s a major improvement. Also added bento hands to the hip hop balance dance.
Small bug fix from the last update. Added 2 new dances.
- Fixed bug when you press the “it’s not mine” button in the options menu. Will replace that notecard with a short message in local chat in the next update.
- Fixed helicopter animation.
- Added 2 dances that I’ve been working on to make up for the previous update. The animations are short but I will lengthen those animations in a coming update. They still need polishing but they’re still fun for now.
1 Major bug fix. Some minor bug fixes.
- Fixed issue where the cock would stop playing animations when an avatar plays another animation (mostly through an AO or by sitting on furniture).
- Added one extra script temporarily to the P for the erection fix. Will create a custom texture hud in a future update and combine that script with the texture receiver script to bring the P script count back down to 2.
- Spoke with Vista Barnes about fixing his AOs so they don’t keyframe the hind bones and distort the balls. Vista Barnes said he/she has updated the Gerard and Victor AOs and will work on the others.
- Ball swing animations will continue swinging when you change tilts.
Super Update
New Features
- Added a super fun motion capture helicopter animation:
- Fixed bug where animations in the animation menu would continue playing when a tilt is selected.
- Fixed potential bug where the reposition animation would lose position.
- Added additional measure so it will check that it’s in place every time a tilt is selected.
- Found bug in one poorly made face animation and swapped it for a better one.
- Reset shrink now stops any animation selected in the “animation” menu.
Super Update
New Features
- New pee, drip and cum particles.
- Cum now comes out in three flavors.
- Particle textures are cached now so no loading times.
- Add 50% more horizontal and vertical adjustments.
- Added 3 speeds of pulsing animations with pulsing balls.
- Added bendy tilts so the cock can hit those hard to reach spots (especially with the girl is on top)
- Added custom tilts depending on the length chosen. The user just needs to select the tilt again once the user changes the length.
- Modified the “testicular breathing to erection” animation so it grows depending on the length chosen. Also made the final position not so close to the stomach.
- Reset shrink now brings the cock down to a perfect flaccid position.
- Added 23 additional face animations.
- Added a sexy sound menu with 46 sounds.
Super Update
New Features
- Added more personal adjustments to fit more shapes. From maitreya to signature gianni. Each adjustment is one keyframed animation with a total of 169 animations just for adjustments. Will add more if needed but it will take more time. One more layer of adjustments will amount to an additional 27 animations.
- Added fix for preventing shape sliders from influencing the balls.
- Fix bug where if you were wearing the cock or ball ring and clicked the hide/show button, the condom would attach and the rings would go missing.
- Changed demo to have an unlimited lifespan. May change it to 24 demo in the future.
Super Update
New Features
- Particles are no longer yellow.
- Added menu to lower balls and lengthen shaft. Will not lower the balls or lengthen them too much because I want to stay within the range of realism. Too long or thick and the cock will poke through the body during the physics animations.
Super Update
New Features
- Added particles to the HUD. Experiencing an SL bug where all particles are coming out yellow. Will test.
- Combined girth options in one button for seamless access between states.
- Added face animations with fun check marks.
- Restricted access to use particles while the condom is worn.
- HUD works in unscripted area as long as it is attached in a script zone.
- Added heart to HUD because the design is just perfect for it.
- Piercings come off when condom is on, otherwise the piercings would need custom condoms and that would be a waste of sim resources.
Super Update
New Features
- Added tilt on the horizontal access for better precision for the user.
- Added throbbing tilt on the vertical access. Didn’t animate balls with that tilt because the user may want to swing the balls in the “ball swing” menu.
- Added a flaccid tilt option.
- Hired some actors to record some fun motion capture stands and dances. Will polish these animations over the coming weeks.
First Release
- Can cocks move like breasts inworld? Oh no, SL limits physics to the butt, stomach and breasts. The only way to do it is to bake my own physics in Maya. Okay, I will make my own bento cock with physics-based animations. Here’s goes nothing…
Additional steps for the repositioning menu.
Minor Bug fixes.
- Added 3 additional steps in the reposition menu to get a closer fit for smaller bodies.
- Fixed bug where cock would go flaccid if you pressed the cum button while playing an animation.
- Fixed bug where cock would go erect in a no script zone.
5 new self-pleasure animations.
Guest list feature.
Cum layers.
Bug Fixes.
- Added 5 masturbation animations
- Added a guest list feature for the remote HUD. Up to 3 names.
- Added 1 idle cock movement animation (works well with AOs).
- Added 5 BoM cum layers. Make sure you toggle the tattoo layer in the options menu:
- Changing length no longer stops animations.
Minor bug fix.
- Cum fix. Technical explanation: burst rate too high. It would show on some computers but not others.
Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed bug where tilts and face animations would sometimes not show when selecting a pose with our AVsitter bento plugin (also ruckus furniture plugins)
- Fixed bug where if you toggled piercings when the cock was invisible, the piercings would show.
- Removed uncut condom option. When you have the uncut showing and toggle the condom button, it automatically switches to the cut version of the condom. This reduces complexity and makes logical sense (the skin must be pulled back to put the condom either way).
New stand animation, bug fixes.
- Added a new stand to the stands menu.
- Fixed script error.
- Pubes now hide on teleport and login when the “hide on teleport/login” button is selected (in the options menu).
New BOM tattoo layer and many additions to the options menu.
- New BOM Layer. Cut version is on AUX 1, uncut version is on AUX 2. I included a full perm tattoo layer sample. BOM layer added 1k complexity. The cock is now 6.4k complexity in total (very low complexity). Just toggle the tattoo layer button in the options menu to view the BOM layer.
- In the option menu, added a way to disable face animations and sounds for when you’re using furniture with our AVsitter plugin.
- In the options menu, added a way to toggle 3 different types of cum particles. Choose which one you prefer.
- In the option menu, added a way to choose girth directly from the HUD (helpful for those who are using our plugin to setup auto tilt for furniture).
- In the option menu, added a way to save and customize your reset down position (girth, length, and tilt).
- In the options menu, you can now resize the HUD. Just toggle between two sizes.
New remote HUD and other updates.
- New remote HUD feature. HUD is copy trans. You can give it to your friends to control your P. Inside the options menu, you can press the “Remote Control” button and set access to NOBODY, GROUP, and PUBLIC. You can control other people’s cocks with your HUD as well. If you leave it to public or group, if someone touches the tip of your P, they will get a HUD. They can then control your P.
- Added pubes. Pubes now hide on teleport when the hide on teleport button is toggled (in the options menu).
- Fixed IK for the “ihaveapenis” animation. The feet are stuck to the floor now. It’s a major improvement. Also added bento hands to the hip hop balance dance.
Small bug fix from the last update. Added 2 new dances.
- Fixed bug when you press the “it’s not mine” button in the options menu. Will replace that notecard with a short message in local chat in the next update.
- Fixed helicopter animation.
- Added 2 dances that I’ve been working on to make up for the previous update. The animations are short but I will lengthen those animations in a coming update. They still need polishing but they’re still fun for now.
1 Major bug fix. Some minor bug fixes.
- Fixed issue where the cock would stop playing animations when an avatar plays another animation (mostly through an AO or by sitting on furniture).
- Added one extra script temporarily to the P for the erection fix. Will create a custom texture hud in a future update and combine that script with the texture receiver script to bring the P script count back down to 2.
- Spoke with Vista Barnes about fixing his AOs so they don’t keyframe the hind bones and distort the balls. Vista Barnes said he/she has updated the Gerard and Victor AOs and will work on the others.
- Ball swing animations will continue swinging when you change tilts.
Super Update
New Features
- Added a super fun motion capture helicopter animation:
- Fixed bug where animations in the animation menu would continue playing when a tilt is selected.
- Fixed potential bug where the reposition animation would lose position.
- Added additional measure so it will check that it’s in place every time a tilt is selected.
- Found bug in one poorly made face animation and swapped it for a better one.
- Reset shrink now stops any animation selected in the “animation” menu.
Super Update
New Features
- New pee, drip and cum particles.
- Cum now comes out in three flavors.
- Particle textures are cached now so no loading times.
- Add 50% more horizontal and vertical adjustments.
- Added 3 speeds of pulsing animations with pulsing balls.
- Added bendy tilts so the cock can hit those hard to reach spots (especially with the girl is on top)
- Added custom tilts depending on the length chosen. The user just needs to select the tilt again once the user changes the length.
- Modified the “testicular breathing to erection” animation so it grows depending on the length chosen. Also made the final position not so close to the stomach.
- Reset shrink now brings the cock down to a perfect flaccid position.
- Added 23 additional face animations.
- Added a sexy sound menu with 46 sounds.
Super Update
New Features
- Added more personal adjustments to fit more shapes. From maitreya to signature gianni. Each adjustment is one keyframed animation with a total of 169 animations just for adjustments. Will add more if needed but it will take more time. One more layer of adjustments will amount to an additional 27 animations.
- Added fix for preventing shape sliders from influencing the balls.
- Fix bug where if you were wearing the cock or ball ring and clicked the hide/show button, the condom would attach and the rings would go missing.
- Changed demo to have an unlimited lifespan. May change it to 24 demo in the future.
Super Update
New Features
- Particles are no longer yellow.
- Added menu to lower balls and lengthen shaft. Will not lower the balls or lengthen them too much because I want to stay within the range of realism. Too long or thick and the cock will poke through the body during the physics animations.
Super Update
New Features
- Added particles to the HUD. Experiencing an SL bug where all particles are coming out yellow. Will test.
- Combined girth options in one button for seamless access between states.
- Added face animations with fun check marks.
- Restricted access to use particles while the condom is worn.
- HUD works in unscripted area as long as it is attached in a script zone.
- Added heart to HUD because the design is just perfect for it.
- Piercings come off when condom is on, otherwise the piercings would need custom condoms and that would be a waste of sim resources.
Super Update
New Features
- Added tilt on the horizontal access for better precision for the user.
- Added throbbing tilt on the vertical access. Didn’t animate balls with that tilt because the user may want to swing the balls in the “ball swing” menu.
- Added a flaccid tilt option.
- Hired some actors to record some fun motion capture stands and dances. Will polish these animations over the coming weeks.
First Release
- Can cocks move like breasts inworld? Oh no, SL limits physics to the butt, stomach and breasts. The only way to do it is to bake my own physics in Maya. Okay, I will make my own bento cock with physics-based animations. Here’s goes nothing…
The Physics Cock (beta)
The only bento cock in second life with lifelike physics animations. Swing your member like a real man and then some! Now available!
Only $1980L
AVsitter Bento Plugin + Physics Cock Support
Support for simultaneous bento animations per pose. Imagine selecting a pose and playing bento hand and face animations, auto cock pulsing and tilting, ball shaking, cock length, and particles. With this plugin, you can!
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